Some reviews from rattos and their humans. You can submit yours by email or message on Instagram or Facebook




"Quiche was a lover of Weight-Up Baby, a connoisseur if you will. We rescued him at a year old and he had various health issues throughout his life and we thought we may lose him on several occasions. He also struggled to maintain his weight, particularly as he got older but throughout all of this, WUB seemed to 'fix all' and Quiche would pace the front of the cage every day waiting for his WUB. By the time he passed away at a little over 28 months old, he'd tried every flavour (but good old chocolate was always his favourite) and we should have had shares in the stuff! Even now Quiche has passed on, we still remain firm fans of The Rat Warehouse and ensure our medicine box is always stocked up with their products. And always with chocolate WUB"

Loved by Phoebe, Sussex



"My old boys would start a war if they didn't get their WUB, they love it so much. Also I have a rat who is on meds after surgery it's the only thing we can hide them in. We all send our appreciation. Here is a photo of Ajax who had his eye removed and we could not have gotten his meds into him without WUB."

Loved by Karis, Edinburgh


The Little Fluffs


"We absolutely love The Rat Warehouse, particularly the really fluffy hammocks which somehow don't get destroyed, the variety of chewy treats, and the absolutely heroic WUB which is amazing for the elderly lads in addition to their regular food. 12 very happy boys over here! Keep being awesome!"

Loved by Liv